The First Legend of Granny Kempock
There are many tales and legends surrounding the mysterious standing stone in Gourock, known as "Granny Kempock". This is the first tale that I encountered, but be sure there are many more.
5/3/20242 min read
The Legend of Granny Kempock: Myths and Tales of Great Daring and Adventure in Scotland
Scotland is a land steeped in history and folklore, where myths and legends intertwine with reality. One such tale that has captivated the imaginations of generations is the legend of the standing stone in Gourock known as "Granny Kempock". The myths and stories told about Granny Kempock are many and varied, but undeniably the stone has had an actual impact on Scottish history.
The Lead Up to the Event
Granny Kempock, also known as the "Lang Stane", is a standing stone in the town of Gourock on the west coast of Scotland which dates back thousands of years and the engravings on her cloak can be traced back to the worship of Baal and almost certain human sacrifice. Legend has it that she was originally a witch who possessed extraordinary powers and was revered as a wise woman by the locals. However, her reputation as a witch also made her the subject of fear and suspicion.
Key Elements of the Event
Granny Kempock's legend revolves around a great storm that threatened to destroy the village of Gourock and was brought upon by the witch as punishment to sailors who would not pay her dues. As the winds howled and the waves crashed against the shore, the villagers sought refuge in their homes, praying for the storm to pass. One of the ships, a viking longboat, which was caught up in the storm carried another even more powerful witch Völva who recognized that evil forces were at work. Before she was able to chant her own incantations, the ship which carried her struck the rocks and all were drowned save her. By morning the storm began to subside, the winds calmed and Völva sought revenge.
Result and Aftermath of the Event
The result of Völva's intervention was nothing short of miraculous. The storm that threatened to devastate Gourock was quelled, and the village was spared from destruction. Granny Kempock was turned to stone and stands there to this day staring out into sea and waiting for her chance of redemption. Ever since local people have told tales about the stone and it's mythical powers. There are tales of sailors who will not put to sea without taking some stones from the shore as ballast in their ships. Indeed Kings and Queens have paid heed to the stone's force and would not travel by sea without taking stones with them. Granny Kempock became a legendary figure in her own right. In the aftermath of the event, Granny Kempock's status as a witch was forever solidified. Some saw her as a benevolent force, a protector of the village, while others remained wary of her powers. Regardless of the differing opinions, Granny Kempock's tale continued to be passed down through the generations, becoming a cherished part of Scottish folklore. To this day, the legacy of Granny Kempock lives on in Gourock. The ancient standing stone, believed by many to be a witch, overlooks the town and serves as a reminder. Visitors to Gourock can still feel the presence of Granny Kempock, and her legend continues to inspire awe and wonder. The legend of Granny Kempock is a testament to the enduring power of folklore and the captivating tales that have shaped Scottish history. Her story has impinged upon the hearts and minds of those who have heard it, ensuring that Granny Kempock's legacy will live on for generations to come.